
Certified in : NCSA Personal Trainer / FISAF Personal Trainer / Special Population / Basic Exercise / ACE Pre- and Post Natal Fitness / Basic Pilates Mat (The center for Women's fitness) / Pre- and Post Pilates Mat (The center for Women's fitness) / SMTI Sport Massage / SMTI Orthpaedic Massage / CPR and AED.

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Our interesting brain

Hey I have read up some info on our brillant brain, wow it is awesome. And i would like to share with all of you :)

Almost all of behavior involves motor function, from talking to gesturing to walking. Even a simple movement like reaching out to pick up a glass of water can be a complex motor task to study. Not only does your brain have to figure out which muscles to contract and in which order to steer your hand to the glass, it also has to estimate the force needed to pick up the glass. Other factors, like how much water is in the glass and what material the glass is made from, also influence the brains calculations. Not surprisingly, there are many anatomical regions which are involved in motor function.

Let's continue reading......

This is Anterior view of our Brain...

Let's say, it was cut at the frontal plane. It will look like this :

So, every part of the body is represented in the primary motor cortex, and these representations are arranged somatotopically --> the foot is next to the leg --> the trunk --> the arm --> the hand.
The amount of brain matter devoted to any particular body part represents the amount of control that the primary motor cortex has over that body part.

Look at the HAND and FINGERS, there are a lot of cortical space required to control the complex movements. Oh wow.....

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