
Certified in : NCSA Personal Trainer / FISAF Personal Trainer / Special Population / Basic Exercise / ACE Pre- and Post Natal Fitness / Basic Pilates Mat (The center for Women's fitness) / Pre- and Post Pilates Mat (The center for Women's fitness) / SMTI Sport Massage / SMTI Orthpaedic Massage / CPR and AED.

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Dynamic Warm-up

The goal of a warm-up is not to stretch, and it is not just to warm a muscle. Traditional static stretches, which involve holding stationary poses, do little prepare a body for action. In fact, current research indicates that preceding workouts and competitions with statics stretching actually leads to lower strength outputs and slower speeds. Dynamic warm-ups must wake up the mind and muscles in a way that makes muscles more compliant and responsive to the mind's commands in preparing the body to move. This mental focus sets up the muscles to be at their best for the rest of the workout.

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