
Certified in : NCSA Personal Trainer / FISAF Personal Trainer / Special Population / Basic Exercise / ACE Pre- and Post Natal Fitness / Basic Pilates Mat (The center for Women's fitness) / Pre- and Post Pilates Mat (The center for Women's fitness) / SMTI Sport Massage / SMTI Orthpaedic Massage / CPR and AED.

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Do you have trendelenburg pattern of walking?

Are you envious of those supermodels who seems to walk perfectly on stage? Do they make you want to imitate their walking posture? Do you desire to imitate them and walk like runway models?

Well, I have seen some of the women sashay themselves by cat walking down the streets. However please remember, supermodels were trained professionals. They were trained to walk in this manner. If you continue to catwalk down the streets over a long period of time, it will not only look bad for you, but will injure your hip or lower back. The way you walk may be the cause of your WEAK abductor muscles.

Trendelenburg walking pattern is the dropping your hip when you are standing on opposite leg. If you are standing on your right leg, and your left hip drop prominently, you may have a right trendeleburg gait.  Your right abductor muscles are not strong to hold and control your right hip in level, that causes your left hip to drop. 

If you notice you have this sign symptom, do strengthen your muscles. Never ignore it, as it leads to future pain and weakness to the other part of your body (i.e lumbar) 

Feel free to drop me an email if you have enquiries. 

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